Culligan UV lamps
Purify and make your drinking water safe with ultraviolet sterilization.
Culligan® UV lamps
If you have bacteria in your water, or if you’re unsure of the microbiological quality of your water source, or if you’re looking for extra security for your municipal water source, then CULLIGAN® has the solution with the UV lamp series for artesian, surface or municipal water wells.
UV technology has been proven to control microbiological problems (bacteria and viruses) in water, including E. coli (Escherichia coli), Cryptosporidium, Enterococci, Giardia lamblia and many others. Our UV lamps are available in Contractor, Class A and Class B.
Contact us today to learn more about Culligan® systems for UV disinfection via ultraviolet lamps, or ask us for a FREE water analysis.
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